• sex. fev 14th, 2025

Viva 2024 lol

Caros leitores, Chegamos ao final de mais um ano, um ano marcado por muitos desafios, mas também por muitas conquistas. Queremos agradecer a todos vocês que nos acompanharam ao longo…

Here is a basic tutorial for writing texts in English:

Step 1: Planning Before you start writing, plan what you want to say. Make a list of the main points you want to address in your text. Step 2: Write…

Human Behavior

Is a fascinating and complex topic, involving many biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. In this article, we will explore some aspects of human behavior, such as its definition, its…

New Website.


The Universe and its essence.

    If I were to ask you, what is the universe? I can say that it is all space-time where light can travel. It contains countless stars, life, galaxies,…